Saturday, September 26, 2009


I know, I's been awhile.

The past month has been a whirlwind of activity. We have bought a new car, got both kids back to school, got Ryan started with football, got me started at my new job, and have Michael adjusting to his new role of "house husband" (or, as he likes to be called, "Domestic Engineer").

Yes, we have indeed been busy, busy, busy, and it would be easy to say that this is the reason why I haven't written in awhile. And while this is certainly part of it, the truth of the matter is, there just hasn't been very much to write about.

That is to say, despite all the changes this month, there has been very little in the way of drama or problems to deal with. It has been (knock on wood) relatively smooth sailing.

For most people this would be a relief. For a family with a child on the spectrum, this is a miracle.

You see, kids on the autism spectrum are not really known for their great ability to go with the flow. Kicking and screaming is more often the name of the game, wth even small changes being met with frustration and fear and fighting.

And yet, all of the changes that our family have gone though these past few weeks have been met with calm and quiet serenity.

Now, that is a change that I can get behind.

1 comment:

jess said...

calm and quiet serenity - i heard of that once, but i thought it was a myth :) so glad to hear it's been smooth sailing!