Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sweet Music

So, last week, I was busy doing dishes while Ryan, my oldest, was busy coloring at the table. A rare moment of quiet in my house and I was thankful for the reprieve. Then, much to my surprise, a familiar sound broke the silence. It was the unmistakable sound of pee-pee hitting the toilet.

Now, with Ryan at the table and my husband on his computer, it took a moment for it to register that this sound could only be coming from Justin.

Oh my God!

He's going potty by himself.

After nearly 9 months of potty training, Justin went potty by himself. After 9 months of PECS, and reinforcers, and Potty-Time with Elmo, and cleaning up messes, and stops and starts, and Screaming (his), and tears (mine).......Justin quietly went into the bathroom and went potty all by himself.

I have to say that one of the benefits of being the parent of a child with special needs is that you never- ever- take anything for granted. Even the smallest of accomplishments are worthy of celebration which means that the "milestone" accomplishments are worthy of a parade.

The sound of that tinkle was like music to my ears. The only thing that has topped it so far was a few months ago when he started calling me "mommy" once again. Not echolaically and not because I told him to "say mommy". But affectionately, excitedly and genuinely calling my name. That was more than music to my ears. That was a symphony worthy of a standing ovation.

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